
IKEA Ribba Frames Upcycling Project (Part 1) 20th March 23

Messing around with superglue and powertools

Hello! Something a little different today. A quick sneaky peek of something l'm making for my studio. To be honest I had hoped it would be finished by now but other projects have taken more time than expected.

The video shows a labour intensive 45 mins in just 45 seconds!

So, you may be asking, “what on earth is it?” It's going to be a kind of mood board, that will also accommodate smaller 3D bits and bobs. It's made from 9 IKEA Ribba frames, which have been sitting on a shelf for way too long. They have the odd chip and scratch and aren't good enough to use for framing pictures anymore but I do hate stuff going to waste. So, with my moto of “use what you have” I thought they'd be perfect for this upcycling project. There's not much more to do… I hope it works out like I see it pictured in my mind's eye, but only time will tell.

Tune in next time to see the finished article!

Wishing you a happy week!

Warm wishes, Julia