Wonderful and relatable post! Great paintings. I always enjoy your sketches, PAINTINGS, and Snippets. ;) Looking forward to seeing more as you keep going. So glad we have gotten out for some quality art adventures during this past year. I feel more human too!
Thanks so much Megan! It seemed like a big hurdle to write again but I'm glad I did. I very much appreciate our art appreciation days - they've been highlight on my calendar!
Lovely to see your new paintings and catch up. I am also in the process of replacing an ancient Chromebook. It has been good for nine years. Looking forward to seeing more of your painting. Have a good week.
Surely the third painting from the top should be called "You can't unsee the duck"?! 😁
Lovely to see your paintings together like this, it's a nice series. 😍
Hahaha! Good call Carina and thank you, nice to have your feedback 😊
Loving the palette you're using - the colours are beautiful
Thanks so much Rachel, the autumn colours are so beautiful. Think they're bound to show up more and more in the paintings.
Wonderful and relatable post! Great paintings. I always enjoy your sketches, PAINTINGS, and Snippets. ;) Looking forward to seeing more as you keep going. So glad we have gotten out for some quality art adventures during this past year. I feel more human too!
Thanks so much Megan! It seemed like a big hurdle to write again but I'm glad I did. I very much appreciate our art appreciation days - they've been highlight on my calendar!
Lovely to see your new paintings and catch up. I am also in the process of replacing an ancient Chromebook. It has been good for nine years. Looking forward to seeing more of your painting. Have a good week.
Thank you Cathy. My sympathies for your Chromebook. It's sad that nine years now seems like a good age for a device, when growing up in the 20th C if you spent that amount of money you would expect a lifetime of use... If you're yet to buy I can recommend StudentComputers on EBay, who gave great service.. Enjoy the rest of your week! https://www.ebay.co.uk/str/studentcomputers?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=5f3iMfJiREa&sssrc=3418065&ssuid=jBdViFCGSWa&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Thank you Julia. Yes I agree it is sad that nine years seems reasonable!